
LyricMerch is the leading provider of licensed lyric merchandise.

Create your own custom designs, or purchase professional designs, from a catalog of hundreds of thousands of licensed song lyrics.

shuffle banner desktop
shuffle banner mobile

Licensed lyrics
All royalties tracked and paid to songwriters
Affiliate program for designers and sellers
10,000+ SKUs delivered using print on demand
Partner API



A heavily customized design creator interface allows visitors to make new designs for their favourite songs and print them on a range of products. The design interface shows official licensed lyrics for songs, and facilitates lyric usage while respecting all licensing restrictions.


LyricMerch is built on a customized WooCommerce platform. WooCommerce is a powerful and flexible e-commerce platform, but WooCommerce scalability for high traffic websites presents some unique challenges. LyricMerch leverages Amazon Web Services for a multi server load balanced architecture. Technologies used include EC2, S3, RDS, CloudWatch, and Route53. SOLR search servers are used for fast and accurate search of artists, songs, lyrics, and designs.